Understanding Arthritis & Pain
Pain is the sensation of discomfort in the body that can vary from mild to moderate depending upon its cause. This unpleasant sensation occurs when something hurts the nerves and affects the system. It can be because of any ailment or disease or ay injury.

What is Pain?
Pain is the sensation of discomfort in the body that can vary from mild to moderate depending upon its cause. This unpleasant sensation occurs when something hurts the nerves and affects the system. It can be because of any ailment or disease or ay injury.
It is hard to explain, how it feels when it pains as it can only be felt but cannot be seen. This complex condition (Pain) may toll on a person to suffer psychologically (mentally, and emotionally) and physically.
Let us ponder some light over this for better understanding.

Acute / Chronic pain
The acute pain is the pain that is mild and lasts for a day, week, or month. But when the pain become worse and lasts for more than 3 months that becomes a chronic pain. Acute pain is sharp in nature but goes away easily with the passage of time. Whereas any major injury, surgery can be the cause of chronic pain that lasts long as it take time to heal.

Muscular pain / sprains
The most common pain experienced by the majority of people is muscular pain. It creates the discomfort in body because of the overuse while sprain can be experienced because of the injury in the muscle. The other causes of it might include Influenza or diseases like hypothyroidism and fibromyalgia.

Joint Pain
Joints are the bridges between the two bones. The discomfort that results into stiffness, swelling, aching in the joints is commonly experienced by millions of people due to various factors like growing age, obesity, heredity or injury. It can be acute or chronic depending upon the nature of the cause.

Neurotic pain
Neurotic or neuropathic pain is a severe pain that is caused by the pressure or malfunctioning or damage to nerves at or around the affected area. These nerves send signals to the brain. The affected area is often numb or feels burning sensation on touching.

Tendon pain
Tendon is the tissue that connects muscle to the bone. When these tissues are overused and get less supply of blood so, they take time to heal and results into the pain in the affected area. It is basically observed at front part of the knee when someone feels difficulty to straighten leg.