Understanding Swelling
Swelling is the result of inflammation and causes the build-up of fluid in the skin or other parts of your body.

What is Swelling
Swelling is the result of a fluid buildup or inflammation anywhere in your body. It is characterized by a bulge in a body part or area and is caused by fluid retention, tissue growth or inflammation in the body. Staying in a particular position for a longer period also increases the chance of swelling.

How does it occur
It is known that the human body always responds to trauma and injury which is also the first step in healing. Swelling and pain are often the immediate responses. During trauma or injury, there is an increased movement of white blood cells and fluid to the area. Signs of swelling include swelling or puffiness, stretched and shiny skin, skin that retains a pit when pressed.

Types of Swelling
- External or Generalized swelling: This type of swelling usually takes place because of allergic reactions, auto-immune diseases like lupus, arthritis, medications, circulation problems, etc.
- Internal or Localized swelling: This type of swelling occurs from an injury to a specific area of the body, infection, burns or inflammation.

Negative effects of Swelling on lifestyle and Arthritis
Individuals with swelling and arthritis often experience joint pain, stiffness with systemic symptoms like low-grade fevers. Any changes in weather also play a role in the pain experienced by the individual.

How to manage and reduce swelling
In order to manage swelling and prevent further build-up, it is advised to follow the following steps:
- Put your legs elevated at a level above your heart with the help of a pillow.
- Avoid prolonged sitting or standing
- Wear support stockings that press against your legs and prevent further fluid accumulation.
- Following a low-salt diet
- Lose weight and Quit Smoking